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Legal information

Legal information and address

We, Somfy Middle East Ltd., Somfy Egypt LLC, affiliated with the Somfy Group, declare that we are the owners of this website. Office address: Fifth Settlement, New Cairo, South 90th Street, 340, first floor.

If you have any comments on the website, please contact us at the following email address: ""
This website is developed by Claranet, France, 18-20, rue Faubourg du Temple, 75011, Paris, phone number: 01 70 13 70 00

Users and target users


This website hosted at (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) is directed exclusively to companies or individuals residing in Egypt who wish to:


Get general information about Somfy

Obtain more specific information, including Somfy products or services

Obtaining the Somfy products offered in the “Online Store” field, if any

Subscribe to the services you provide in the “My Account” field.

Use of our website automatically indicates your acceptance of our practices and compliance with this Legal Notice.

Information about products and services may not be accurate for all countries. It should be noted that the products shown or services described on this website may not be available in all countries.

Somfy will make every effort to ensure maximum security for the user while browsing the website. However, Somfy does not bear any responsibility in the following cases:

Temporary inability to access the site, related to technical maintenance or updating published information.

In the event of a virus or third party attack on the Site, and its possible consequences.

In the event of abnormal use or illegal exploitation of the Site, the User shall be solely responsible for damages to third parties and the consequences of claims or claims that may arise.

The information on this site, excluding product sheets and in the event of errors, is intended for information and guidance only and is not the responsibility of Somfy on the basis of its accuracy.


  1. Protecting human rights

    • This website and the information it contains (including images, graphics...) are protected by copyright. all rights are save.

  2. Terms of use
    •  Information not contained in a “download file” may not be printed or copied, either in whole or in part, in any way. B.
    • The information contained in a Download File may be printed or downloaded for private purposes. It should not be given or shown to the customer or any third person, nor published. Any copy of this information must include all of our copyright and proprietary notices. It is strictly forbidden to modify this information, but this information may be translated so that your team can understand it, in which case you alone bear responsibility for the translation you perform. We reserve the right to revoke this permission whenever we wish, without any liability on us and without the need to explain the reasons for this cancellation by sending an individual notice or on this website. Then, any use stops immediately.



SOMFY alone owns the SOMFY trademark and all graphic and other marks as well as all trademarks, logos and images contained in this website, whether registered or unregistered. The above marks are the property of SOMFY SAS and its affiliates around the world and may only be copied with the consent of their owners.

It is strictly prohibited for any of the companies that carry these trademarks or any third party to copy, modify, or use these trademarks, images and logos in any way whatsoever without the express prior consent of SOMFY SAS, except for the purpose of placing them as an electronic link to our website in accordance with paragraph Fifth below.

Access to and use of the website does not give any right to use the trademarks, graphics, data, images and logos contained therein.


How to communicate via hypertext

Hyperlinking with various other websites is available at your service. Note that we do not represent or control these websites, and therefore we are not responsible for their content.

Contacting our website requires obtaining prior written permission from us, in accordance with the following cumulative conditions:

  • Be a customer of one of Somfy S.A.E. companies.
  • Use communication in good faith and refrain from causing any confusion with us.
  • To communicate with the home page of our website on the Internet, by linking the website to us, provided that the link is not made to another page of our website or to copy any part of our website.
  • Copy the Somfy logo as shown below, in the same measurements, in order to communicate: A written statement of having communicated with the website publisher within 5 business days from the date of its creation by sending an email to the following address:
  • We reserve the right to force the immediate cancellation of any connector if we believe that our interests are at risk

Other rights related to intellectual property

Any product, procedure or technology described on this Website may be subject to other rights reserved by us or by third parties. The use of these rights is not licensed under it.


  1. We make every effort to provide you with accurate, complete and current information. However, we do not provide any warranty regarding the information contained on this website.

  2. We reserve the right to update or modify any information contained on this website without prior notice. In particular, the products offered may be changed or canceled at any time.

  3. We cannot confirm that the information contained on this website complies with the local laws applicable in your country. Your access to this website is on your own initiative and is your responsibility to comply with all laws related to public order in force in your country.

  4. We invite you to check all information on this website with your local authorities.

  5. Access to the website and use of its contents is at your full risk, and you are responsible for protecting yourselves from viruses or other materials of a destructive or harmful kind.


The applicable law and the competent judiciary

Egyptian law applies and Egyptian courts have exclusive jurisdiction in the event of any dispute arising as a result of your access to or use of this website, with the exception of the mandatory provisions under the law.